Upcoming Markets & Announcements
Please check back to see updates here and/or on social media! (Facebook, Youtube (yourancientremedy), Instagram, TikTok (yourancientrx)
September 28th Saturday 9am-5pm VIBE @ Buckroe Hampton, VA 9am-5pm (Confirmed 9/1/24)
October 12th Saturday Riverwalk Clubhouse, Chesapeake, VA 9am-3pm
October 12th Saturday Great Bridge High School Craft, Chesapeake, VA Show 9am-3pm (Confirmed 9/1/24)
November 16th-November 17th Saturday (9am-4pm) & Sunday (10am-3pm) Santa's Stocking, Kempsville Rec Center, Va Beach, VA
December 7th 9am-3pm Prince of Peace Catholic Church Chesapeake, VA (Confirmed 9.9.24)
CANCELLED July 27th Saturday Victory Landing Park, World Arts Celebration, Newport News, VA (Waiting for Confirmation)
DONE! Saturday May 11th, 701 Riverwalk Pkwy Chesapeake VA 23320 9am-2pm
DONE! Saturday March 9th Hickory High School Spring Craft Show 1996 Hawk Blvd Chesapeake, VA 23322
DONE! Saturday, March 23 Landstown High School Spring Craft Show 2001 Concert Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23456